3 min readJan 23, 2023


Dear Community, Dear Fans,

Sinfonia, the BitSong blockchain-based platform for the music industry, is excited to announce the launch of L Don’s FanToken. As communicated in the 6th episode of BitSong Community Talk, L Don is the first artist to be selected as part of Sinfonia’s new Onboarding program, which aims to launch new music industry-related FanTokens on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

The decision to launch the program now is a result of the platform’s stabilization and refinement, as well as the addition of new features such as NFTs and a Media Player (currently in testnet — to be launched in mainnet in February 2023), which offer a broader ecosystem of services and gamification for both creators and fans.

L Don was chosen by Sinfonia’s co-founder and international artist Adam Clay to be the first artist to launch his FanToken on the platform in 2023. This decision was not made lightly, as L Don is not only an artist with extraordinary artistic and creative qualities, but also a pioneer in the blockchain industry.

The launch of the “$LDON” FanToken on Sinfonia will take place on Jan. 27th, 2023.

Who is the L Don artist?

Scottish Lebanese rapper, L Don seamlessly blends English, French, Spanish and Arabic in his music. With roots deeply ingrained in his home country of Lebanon, L Don draws inspiration from the parallels between the internal unrest in Lebanon and his own personal journey. His unique cultural background and upbringing are evident in his sound, making his music relatable and appealing to a wide range of fans.

Taste some of L Don’s art 👇

L Don is known for being open and honest with his fans, which is the backbone of his relationship with them. He recently shared his excitement about using Sinfonia, a new platform that allows him to connect with his fans in a more meaningful way.

He said, “My fans, now about 4,000, have always been super supportive of me. I haven’t done much marketing, it’s all their love and re-sharing that got me this far. But our relationship feels more and more distant on traditional platforms.

I look forward to cultivating our relationship through these amazing tools at our disposal with Sinfonia, empowering and rewarding both of us. The whole scene changes now. I don’t need to get signed by a major label, if it makes sense it makes sense, but now I have control over my artistry and can make decisions based on feedback from the most important player — the fans.

In conclusion, L Don’s unique blend of cultures, personal lyrics and his slant toward the web3 music, make his presence stand out in the industry. With the help of Sinfonia, he is able to strengthen his connection with his fans and take control of his artistry. L Don is an artist to watch in the coming years and we invite you to follow him on Sinfonia and support his artistic journey.

As a gesture of appreciation for the support and trust of both his fans and Sinfonia users, L Don is announcing an airdrop of 100,000 $ LDON tokens to be distributed among them. This is his way of thanking them for the love and support they have shown him thus far, and expressing his confidence in their continued support on his web3 journey.

More details on this campaign will be shortly released by the artist itself, so take the opportunity to keep in touch with him through the various communication channels and socials: 👇





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