Guide to Launch bitsong-testnet-1
Update: The guide was update, have a look into our community-
Hi everyone, on July 3, 2019 we published the guide on how to participate in the first BitSong testnet.
We are proud to announce that in 7 days, 26 validators have submitted their application.
Among them there are:
- Simply VC — our official partner during our journey
- Alessio Treglia (Cosmos SDK developer & BitSong Ambassador)
- Forbole
- Chainflow
- Commercio.Network
- Genesis Lab
- Ubik Capital
- Pos Bakerz
- BitCat
We have named only some of the 26, but there are many others with us.
Get ready to bitsong-testnet-1
First of all, we expect that you already followed the previous guide and you have sent the gentx.
In order to start without any network anomaly, we recommend that you strictly follow the instructions step by step
- Stop bitsongd and disable the service
systemctl stop bitsongd && systemctl disable bitsongd
2. Reset all previous data (if any)
bitsongd unsafe-reset-all
3. Delete the old go-bitsong folder that you have downloaded from github
rm -rf go-bitsong
4. Clone the new go-bitsong repository from github
git clone -b v0.1.0
5. Install the new version of go-bitsong
cd go-bitsong && make install
6. Check if the new version is installed
bitsongd version --long# Should return
name: go-bitsong
servername: bitsongd
clientname: bitsongcli
version: 0.1.0
gitcommit: 617a515e9cb2a49fb759dfb50f291dee35f7f484
buildtags: netgo,ledger
goversion: go version go1.12.5 linux/amd64
7. Remove the old genesis file
rm -f ~/.bitsongd/config/genesis.json
8. Download the final genesis file for bitsong-testnet-1
wget -P ~/.bitsongd/config
9. Enable and start bitsongd again
systemctl enable bitsongd && systemctl start bitsongd
That’s all!
To check on the status of the node
sudo journalctl -u bitsongd -f# Should return
Started BitSong Network Daemon.
The Testnet will start at July 11, 2019 at 15:00 UTC
After the BitSong Network blockchain reaches a quorum, the testnet will be officially launched!
If a quorum is not reached by 15:00 UTC on July 11, we will coordinate further communication through the BitSong validator Discord Validator Chat.
The only notable change currently is the reduction of the UNBONDING time, from 3 days to 3 hours.
BitSong is pleased to announce that all decisions will be taken together with governance. One of the first votes that will take place will be the one concerning the number of validators.
We thank everyone for participating and we wish you Happy Staking!
BitSong, not only music!