BitSong v0.4.0 is online!

2 min readAug 4, 2020
CEL data model —

Hello everyone,
as previously announced, we have started the integration tests of the MPEG-21 standard.

The MPEG-21 standard, from the Moving Picture Experts Group, aims at defining an open framework for multimedia applications. MPEG-21 is ratified in the standards ISO/IEC 21000 — Multimedia framework (MPEG-21)

BitSong v0.4.0 takes the path towards the adoption of the MPEG-21 standard.

Upcoming releases
v0.5.0 — Adding odds to get rewards
v0.6.0 — Withdraw reward
v0.7.0 — IBC Shares Transfer

Are you an artist?
Contact us, you will be able to access the public beta-test

Are you a developer?
Contact us, join the BitSong team

Are you a music provider?
Contact us, discover how to integrate your services with blockchain

Are you an investor?
BitSong is available on UNISWAP, or if you are a “WHALE”;), contact us!

About BitSong

BitSong is an open source blockchain born in December 2017. Our mission is to simplify the music bureaucracy as much as possible, make the artists independent and facilitate the management of royalties.

Based on Cosmos-SDK/Tendermint, BitSong is an interoperable and cross-chain blockchain.

A user can publish (independently and unchangeably) his own music record. A user can also tokenize his track (NFTs) and sell his shares to new users. Each track containing a set of Right Holders, when a track gets a new reward, it is divided and automatically sent to the Right Holders.

Through the BitSong api, any user can build their own decentralized music player and/or manage their royalties.

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